Elsa Lam has the creative ability and talent to give genuine fluency, clarity, and a real sense of life to my ideas.
Lloyd Hunt, Architect
Elsa the clever. I appreciate so much your talent. Milles merci!
Claude Cormier, Claude Cormier Architectes Paysagistes Inc.
Elsa is absolutely a pleasure to work with! She is extremely reliable and able to capture the essence of our work. Her understanding of our visions and ideas, and the ability to translate them into an eloquent text is incredible.
Jean Sundin and Enrique Peiniger, Principals, Office for Visual Interaction Inc.
Elsa Lam is an editor’s dream of a writer – an excellent researcher with an eye for detail, an effective communicator with a concise yet fluid style and a generous collaborator willing to go above and beyond.
Elizabeth Pagliacolo, Senior Editor, Azure Magazine
I have enjoyed working with Elsa over a number of years. Working collaboratively is essential to running a successful magazine. Elsa is one of our most trusted writers. This is largely due to her rigorous research methodology, ability to translate complex ideas to a broad readership, and most importantly–her professionalism. I have learned a lot through my collaborations with Elsa, and I always appreciate her insight and energy.
Ian Chodikoff, Editor, Canadian Architect
Elsa’s diligence is evident in all of her writing. Her initiative and enthusiasm for her work makes her extremely cooperative to work with, while her expertise makes her invaluable to any publication.
Paige Magarrey, Managing Editor, Azure Magazine
Ecrire l’architecture est une tache doublement complexe. Elle implique de se mettre dans la peau de l’auteur d’un projet pour remonter à l’origine des idées qui ont donnée forme à son bâtiment et de se mettre dans la peau de l’usager, qui habite ces lieux sans forcement comprendre pourquoi ce même bâtiment l’interpelle. Avec ses mots, Elsa Lam nous présente l’architecture d’une façon à la fois claire et imagée. Ses écrits combinent la liberté d’un flâneur qui découvre un espace nouveau et la précision d’un archéologue qui cherche, dans ce même espace, à reconstituer la genèse de sa conception.
Federico Neder, architecte, GenèveAuthor of Fuller Houses, Lars Müller Publishers, 2008